9/11/01: WTC Hard Drives Show $100 Million In Criminal Credit Transfers Before Towers Fell

"Harvey Pitt (b. Brooklyn, New York, February 28, 1945) was the 26th chairman of theU.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), serving from 2001-2003. He led the SEC in restoring the U.S. securities markets to full operations after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, instituted a policy of "real time enforcement" to make the SEC's enforcement efforts more effective, and led the SEC in the adoption of dozens of rules to implement the Sarbanes-Oxley Act…

...Pitt became the target of criticism when the Enron scandal broke out on his watch. Democrats alleged that he was too close to the accounting industry [2] and that he subverted efforts to tighten regulation in the wake of the Enron scandal and other cases of corporate malfeasance. Pitt resigned after attempting to appoint a board member (William Hedgcock Webster - former FBI and CIA Director) from a company under SEC investigation to head a commission overseeing the accounting industry. The GAO later cleared Pitt. [3]

Pitt was involved in helping various short-sellers actively prevent banks from helping homeowners avoid foreclosure, so that the short-sellers could profit from the housing crash. [4][5][6]"


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