Opponents of genetically modified organisms in food, or GMOs, rail against provision that would limit the courts’ ability to stop food producer Monsanto from growing crops later deemed potentially hazardous

Who’s more powerful, the world’s largest producer of genetically modified crops or the U.S. government?

Last week, Congress passed HR 933, a short-term resolution to avoid a government shutdown. Tucked away in the bill, however, was a rider that had little to do with the fiscal challenges facing the country.

Dubbed the Farmer Assurance Provision, section 735 of the resolution would seem to place the commercial concerns of Monsanto, the world’s largest producer of genetically modified crops and seeds, above the authority of U.S. judicial system.

In effect, the provision, which opponents call the Monsanto Protection Act, would limit the ability of judges to stop Monsanto or the farmers it sells genetically modified seeds from growing or harvesting those crops even if courts find evidence of potential health risks...

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/food-oversight-curbs-spending-bill-outrage-article-1.1298967#ixzz2PSyD9nJL

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