Part 1 of 4: Were Nuclear Reactors the Cause of the WTC Destruction?

Perhaps it was the boiling clouds—black, grey, white, and especially “nuclear brown”—surrounding the World Trade Center’s 110-story North and South Towers (WTC 1, 2) that made the world conclude the two hijacked airliners crashing into the buildings on September 11, 2001 had dropped nuclear bombs in elevator shafts. After all, the dreaded “stem-and-mushroom” cloud was rising from WTC 1 looking remarkably like a South Pacific atom-bomb test. How could they not, especially those familiar with media visuals of tests since 1946? Or those aware of a volcano’s powerful energy fields disgorging lava, pyroclastic flows, and lahars? [i]

The principal advocate for the theory that reactors were the primary causal agent that ultimately destroyed all seven WTC buildings is William Tahil, a British aerospace/technological consultant. He is the author of Ground Zero: The Nuclear Demolition of the World Trade Centre. He contends that 9/11 not only was the first nuclear attack against the United States, but “the world’s first nuclear controlled demolition.” [ii]

Tahil argues that signatures of a reactor were plentiful, beyond just brown clouds of dust and the curious application of the 1946 term “Ground Zero,” to the WTC. Its dictionary definition is the geographical point of a nuclear explosion.

As evidence, he cites radioactive fallout found by the U.S. Geological Survey in samples from 35 sites surrounding the WTC for nearly a mile. Other signs were the speed of the Towers disintegrations (8 to 10 seconds), the shock and blast waves, the pyroclastic main cloud, base-surges of street-level dust clouds, electromagnetic pulses (EMPs), upwellings of clouds from street gratings blocks away, the 2,800ºF heat under the WTC debris, and, possibly, the giveaway light-blue Cerenkov Radiation when the debris “pile” was cleared in mid-March. Add to all these signs, the molten metal in the footprints of WTC 1, 2, and 7 that for three months could not be extinguished by water or daily soil changes as it consumed concrete, steel, glass, office combustibles. The increasing incidence of radiation-only cancers from residents is another tell-tale sign of a nuclear “event.”

In short, reactors would seem to merit as much consideration as a causal theory to be investigated as any of the others suggested since September 11, 2001...


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